On the crossroads

Jacek Grela

Video captioning in bulk using Hugging Face + torchserve


In the age of big data, grappling with demanding processing tasks is inevitable. When it comes to handling videos, the need for efficient, high-throughput solutions becomes paramount. This project delves into the setup of a multi-GPU pipeline optimized for bulk video captioning. Leveraging the torchserve server and the captioning model from Hugging Face, this project aims to enhance performance. Code provided.

ML in 2023

In the era of foundational ML models, it is extremely easy to setup your own ML pipeline. With the help of a model repository like Hugging Face, the pipeline is up-and-running in a manner of minutes. These developments are perfect for a proof-of-concept or exploratory work. But what when the task is straightforward but laborious? Not feasible on a single notebook/GPU… so maybe some parallelism could help? For sure, but doing that might be not that easy. In this post I describe my approach to the problem of ML processing of a bulk of data.

Project scope

The idea is to create a simple ML-based captioning tool which takes in videos and outputs descriptive, frame-by-frame captions. The plan is to make it as efficient as possible in order to process a rather large set of videos. A major technical requirement in this project is a physical separation between the captioning server and the storage server. I plan to setup a HTTP communication channel to send the video-frames and receive back the captions. I identify two approaches:

I focus on the second approach as much more interesting. I pick a BLIP2 + OPT multimodal img2txt model as the captioning tool; it works quite well and requires only 8GB of the GPU VRAM. Via POST HTTP request, the captioning server should receive a batch of video frames saved as a np.ndarray and send back the captions to the storage server. Decision to use numpy arrays instead of frame images is backed up by two considerations: a) optimize the extraction process, and b) enable more flexibility in sending prepackaged frame batches (or prebatches). I use the torchserve server to run the model concurrently on multiple GPUs.

Captioning server

First I configure and start the captioning server. Torchserve is a tool for serving scalable pytorch models in production. To this end, we install packages on top of a working pytorch environment:

pip install torchserve torch-model-archiver

To run a model, torchserve needs two elements:

Model archive file

mar file can be created using the CLI tool torch-model-archiver in two ways, either

I focus on creating a custom handler as we need something less standard, predefined CV handlers like image_classifier expect single image files as the inference input. I build on the custom handler tutorial to arrive at the following ts_handler.py file:

from transformers import Blip2Processor, Blip2ForConditionalGeneration
import torch
from ts.torch_handler.base_handler import BaseHandler
from abc import ABC
import logging
import pickle
import numpy as np

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class BLIP2Handler(BaseHandler, ABC):
    def __init__(self):
        super(BLIP2Handler, self).__init__()
        self._batch_size = 0
        self.initialized = False
        self.model = None
        self.inference_mode = None
    def initialize(self, context):
        logger.info(f"Manifest: {context.manifest}")
        logger.info(f"properties: {context.system_properties}")
        self._batch_size = context.system_properties["batch_size"]

        if torch.cuda.is_available():
            device = "cuda:" + str(context.system_properties.get("gpu_id")) 
            device = "cpu"

        self.device = torch.device(device)
        self.processor = Blip2Processor.from_pretrained("Salesforce/blip2-opt-2.7b", 
                                                        device = self.device)
        self.model = Blip2ForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained("Salesforce/blip2-opt-2.7b",
        logger.debug("BLIP2 model loaded successfully")
        self.initialized = True
    def preprocess(self, inputs):
        """Very basic preprocessing code - only tokenizes.
        Extend with your own preprocessing steps as needed.
        frames_list = []
        for input_ in inputs:
            input_ = pickle.loads(input_['body'])
            if len(input_.shape)==3:
                self.inference_mode = 'single'
            elif len(input_.shape)==4:
                self.inference_mode = 'batch'
        frames = np.array(frames_list)
        logging.info(f"Received data: {len(frames)} of type {type(frames[0])}")
        inputs = self.processor(frames, return_tensors="pt").to(self.device, torch.float16)  

        return inputs

    def inference(self, inputs):
        Predict the class of a text using a trained transformer model.
        generated_ids = self.model.generate(**inputs, max_new_tokens=100)
        generated_texts = self.processor.batch_decode(generated_ids, skip_special_tokens=True)
        if self.inference_mode == 'batch':
            generated_texts = [generated_texts]
        return generated_texts
_service = BLIP2Handler()

def handle(data, context):
        if not _service.initialized:

        if data is None:
            return None

        data = _service.preprocess(data)
        data = _service.inference(data)

        return data
    except Exception as e:
        raise e

Given a basic knowledge of ML, most of the code is quite self-explanatory. Internally, torchserve calls the handle function. I briefly discuss some elements of the service handler:

BLIP2Handler class inherits from the ts.torch_handler.base_handler.BaseHandler and overrides three key functions:

Once the ts_handler.py is defined, the model archive file model_store/blip2.mar is generated by the server-create.sh script:

torch-model-archiver --model-name "blip2" --version 1.0 --handler "ts_handler.py"
mkdir -p model_store & mv blip2.mar model_store

torchserve configuration file

Second element of the deployment is the configuration file config.properties. Some of its properties are described here:




  "blip2": {\
    "1.0": {\
        "defaultVersion": true,\
        "marName": "blip2.mar",\
        "minWorkers": 4,\
        "maxWorkers": 4,\
        "batchSize": 1,\
        "maxBatchDelay": 0,\
        "responseTimeout": 120\

What does the config do? Key variables are discussed:

A peculiar choice of parameters batchSize=1 and maxBatchDelay=0 and a huge request size max_request_size=500MB is explained in the optimization section.

Start/stop the server

To start torchserve server, I use the start.sh script:

export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="0,1,2,3"
torchserve --start --ts-config config.properties

The CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES env variable specifies a subset of GPUs used by torchserve. To stop the server simply run stop.sh:

torchserve --stop

Server optimization

To optimize our pipeline, it is important to understand the workings of torchserve. Its default mode of operation is suitable for a server handling a lot of small, unrelated queries like multiple users categorizing images. Each request is taken in and the server either sends a full batch of size batchSize or an incomplete batch if the maxBatchDelay is reached. A single query is typically an image or some text.

Our mode of operation is quite different. We have a single client (the storage server) with numerous, large queries. Therefore, instead of creating a lot of requests with single frames, we prebatch frames on the client side and send them together. We ensure such relatively large requests are received fully by setting the max_request_size parameter to 500MB. On the server side, torchserve takes in the prebatched data as a single query and in turn calls the inference model handler once. Then, to run the captioning model ASAP, I set the batch_size parameter to one and maxBatchDelay to zero to ensure the server does not wait for the filling up of the batches.

Storage server

The storage server is connected via ssh to the captioning server. I provide few clients with different types of video loading and request forming:

I provide a simple benchmark comparing the clients, the prebatching approach is clearly the best approach.

client script torchserve config file capt. speed (frm/s) video res client params
cli-single.py config-single.properties 34.6 480x270  
cli-str-single.py config-single.properties 64.5 480x270  
cli-str-prebatch.py config.properties 140.4 480x270 prebatch_size = 32
cli-single.py config-single.properties 30.4 640x360  
cli-str-single.py config-single.properties 62.9 640x360  
cli-str-prebatch.py config.properties 125.1 640x360 prebatch_size = 32
cli-single.py config-single.properties 12.7 1280x720  
cli-str-single.py config-single.properties 40.7 1280x720  
cli-str-prebatch.py config.properties 76.6 1280x720 prebatch_size = 16
cli-single.py config-single.properties 6.4 1920x1080  
cli-str-single.py config-single.properties 29.1 1920x1080  
cli-str-prebatch.py config.properties 43.2 1920x1080  

Non-standard client parameters in the last column are given. Changing the prebatch size of the client cli-str-prebatch.py proved crucial in establishing the optimal throughput. All tests were completed locally i.e. without network latency. A single rescaled video with 901 frames was captioned.

Conclusions and extensions